End of Text is a music series hosted by Luc Döbereiner and Ludvig Elblaus. For each episode, a third guest is invited, thus forming an ever changing trio. Each installment in the series is assembled from material that is either freely improvised or composed to some degree. The guests are most often human performers, but the third member can also be something else, like a generative system, an electro acoustic object, or a space.
The hosts are usually located in Berlin, Vienna and Stockholm, and the invited guests usually connect from a third location. As such, the project aims to extend the idea of a networked ensemble and regards the members of each trio as part of a feedback network. While the guests join with all kinds of instruments, Döbereiner and Elblaus are constructing custom software and hardware instruments that specialize in coupling, i.e. the ability to listen to the other two members of the trio and produce an output that to some degree translates some characteristics of the incoming music to the systems' own musical output.
Each episode explores new ways of connecting the three instruments so that changes in one affect the others, in an explicit attempt to blur the boundaries between the instruments, giving rise to an emergent musical collective.
The recording sessions are not filmed, only audio is captured. There is no talking or other extra musical communication during the session, only music.
End of Text is free to listen to. All episodes are published on Bandcamp where they can be both streamed and downloaded in compressed or uncompressed formats, without cost. Our lates episodes can also be played from this page. Finally, ETX can also be streamed from several streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music. If you want to be sure not to miss an episode, we suggest you sign up to our mailing list below or follow us on Bandcamp.